ISHR awards an biiannual prize for the best article published in Rhetorica at its Biennial Congress. A prize of $1000(US) is awarded by the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR) for the best article published in Rhetorica. The winner for the years 2019-2021, selected by a panel of judges from ISHR, will be announced and the prize in the Summer of 2021awarded at the Society’s biennial meeting in London in July 2019.
Past Winners
2019 Brandon Katzir, "The Truth of Reliable : Saadya Gaon, Arabic Rhetoric, and the Challenge to Rhetorical Historiography", in Rhetorica 35, 2. 161-188
2017 Travis D. Williams, "Mathematical Energeia: Rhetoric of Early Modern Mathematical Notation", in Rhetorica 34, 2: 163–211
2015 Emanuele Berti, Ricercatore universitario di Lingua e Letteratura Latina at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, for his article “Le controversiae della raccolta di Seneca il Vecchio e la dottrina degli status” in Rhetorica 32. 2. 99-147
2013 Brad L. Cook,"Swift-boating in Antiquity: Rhetorical Framing of the Good Citizen in Fourth-Century Athens," Rhetorica 30.3, 2012. 219-251.
2011 Virginia Cox, “Leonardo Brunion Women and Rhetoric: De studiis et litteris Revisited,”Rhetorica 27.1, 2009. 47-75.
2009 Lahcen E. Ezzaher, “Alfarabi’s Book of Rhetoric: An Arabic- English Translation of Alfarabi’ sCommentary on Aristotle’s Rhetoric” in Rhetorica 26.4, 2008. 347-391.