Complete Story

Disability at the Intersections

Workshop Leaders:Amy Vidali, University of Colorado, Denver; Stephanie Kerschbaum, University of Delaware

Workshop Leaders:

Amy Vidali, University of Colorado, Denver
Stephanie Kerschbaum, University of Delaware

Building on a decade of work that explores the interconnections of disability, rhetoric, and writing, this workshop focuses on intersectional scholarship in disability, rhetoric, and writing, as well as the dynamic intersections of research and teaching. Pushing for a more radical rhetorical politics of intersectionality, this workshop encourages participants to engage intersections of disability with gender, race, class, and sexuality, and also religion, age, appearance, geography, lived environment, etc. Attending to these intersections enables deeper understanding of the ways that bodies and situations are experienced differently across rhetorical settings, with particular attention to the rich interconnections between how we write and how we teach writing.

Designed explicitly to encourage and support intersectional scholarship and teaching, the workshop includes opportunities to engage shared readings, to workshop work-in-progress (articles/essays, dissertation proposals, conference presentations, syllabi, and assignments), and to create engaging multimedia artifacts that reflect our evolving research and/or teaching work. Participants will be invited to identify access needs before and during the workshop, and we will use diverse ways to interact with each other and meet workshop goals.

Questions should be directed to Amy Vidali, or Stephanie Kerschbaum,

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