Complete Story

RSQ Volume 47,
Number 3

Special Issue 2017

Please click on the authors’ names below to view the article abstracts for the Special Issue 2017 issue:

Special Issue 2017, 47.3, pages 229-237
Feral Rhetoric: Common Sense Animals and Metaphorical Beasts

GRAY, Jonathan M.
Special Issue 2017, 47.3, pages 238-246
Vultures: Consumptions and Conjurings

PLEC, Emily, Henry HUGHES, and Jackson STALLEY
Special Issue 2017, 47.3, pages 247-256
The Salmon Imperative

SCHUTTEN, Julie “Madrone” Kalil and Caitlyn BURFORD
Special Issue 2017, 47.3, pages 257-263
“Killer” Metaphors and the Wisdom of Captive Orcas

Special Issue 2017, 47.3, pages 264-274
Snake(s)kin: The Intertwining Mêtis and Mythopoetics of Serpentine Rhetoric

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