
From Kathleen Welch, adopting original constitution, 1993

To Rhetoric Society of America members:

The RSA Board of Directors has approved the constitution of the Society. We publish it here so that all the members will have access to our announced aim, statement of scholarly commitment, and procedures for the smooth working of the Society's scholarly journal (Rhetoric Society Quarterly), elections, conferences, and so on. The Society, now in its twenty-sixth year, owes a great debt to George A. Yoos, who founded the journal, established its strong reputation in numerous disciplines, and brought his wisdom to the journal as well as to the Society. The constitution has been revised approximately six times by two committees that met at RSA, SCA, and CCCC meetings. Former RSA presidents Winifred Bryan Horner and Richard Leo Enos devoted an extensive amount of time in leading these committees and in applying the results of their long experience to this important document. I thank them for their contribution.

Additional information is available on Victor Vitanza's webpage. Please click here to learn more about the early days of the association.