RSA Bi-Annual Conference

The RSA 2024 Conference Submission Portal is now open!

Deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm ET August 15, 2023

You can submit here:

PLEASE NOTE: You may need to create an Oxford Abstracts profile to log into the submission system. If you do, please choose "Continue with Email" and attach your submission to an email address rather than the options "Continue with Google" or "Continue with LinkedIn." Thank you for your attention to this detail.

Also, please make a note of the email address you use to make your submission. This is the email address to which all conference correspondence will be sent, and the email address by which we will look you up if you have questions later.

If you think you might need childcare at the conference for a small fee, please be sure to answer the childcare questions on the submission form. This does not obligate you to use the service but will help us plan to have enough resources available to accommodate those who would like to use them. There will also be a lactation room, as well as a quiet room.

All inquiries can be sent to


Conference REGISTRATION will open later in the fall. Below are the tentative rates for the RSA 2024 Conference. These rates have been set to cover the costs of presenting the conference e.g., meeting space; submission, review, and program software; audio-visual services and WIFI; accessibility services; printing badges and signs; event insurance; food and beverage; and conference proceedings. 


Member Regular Reg - Before March 1
Member Late Reg - March 1 - May 21 $305
Member Onsite/May 22 - 26 $345
Student Regular Reg - Before March 1 $100
Student Late Reg - March 1 - May 21 $140
Student Onsite/May 22 - 26 $180
Part-time and Retired Regular Reg - Before March 1 $150
Part-time and Retired Late Reg - March 1 - May 21 $190
Part-time and Retired Onsite/May 22 - 26 $230
Non-Member Regular Reg - Before March 1 $465
Non-Member Late Reg -March 1 - May 21 $505
Non-Member Onsite/May 22 - 26 $545
Non-Member Student Regular Reg - Before March 1 $210
Non-Member Student Late Reg - March 1 - May 21 $250
Non-Member Student Onsite/May 22 - 26 $290