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ISHR 2015 Research Fellowship Recipients Announced

ISHR GRANTS 2015 Research Fellowship Recipients (alphabetical order):

Fabio Giunta - University of Bologna (Italy)

Title of proposed project : La retorica degli affetti di Quintiliano nella trattatistica italiana fra Cinque e Seicento

Christos Kremmydas  - University of London (England)

Title of proposed project: Detecting verbal deception in the speeches of Demosthenes and Aeschines On the Embassy

Florin Leonte (Central European University Budapest (Hungary)

Title of proposed project: Enargeia and Synesthesia: The Rhetoric of Experience in Late Byzantium (c. 1300-1453)

Giovanna Longo (University of Cassino (Italy)

Title of proposed project: [Dionigi di Alicarnasso], Sugli errori che si commettono nelle declamazioni (Περὶ τῶν ἐν μελá½³­ταις πλημμελουμá½³νων). Saggio introduttivo, testo greco, traduzione e commento



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