Event Program & Conference App Information

The program for the 2025 conference in Copenhagen will not be ready until we are weeks into 2025. For administrative ease, this page will stay largely as it was for the Vancouver conference and slowly come to feature Copenhagen details. Bear with us, but this page has a good framework!

NOTA BENE: You can find campus maps under "Travel and Local Information." Abstracts will be available on the printed program and the conference app. The schedule is changing to reflect withdrawals, and, where possible, panels are being merged.

Presenter Reminders: As you prepare your paper, keep in mind that ISHR presentation units are 30 minutes long: 20 minutes for the paper + 10 for Q&A about only your paper. Panel chairs will make sure every panelist has 30 minutes; it’s up to you to leave time for questions (that is, if you speak for 28 minutes, you will leave 2 minutes for questions.) Rooms will be equipped with A/V.

Chair Duties: If you are chairing, thank you! Your job is not onerous. Please show up to the designated room at least 5 minutes before the panel begins; please introduce each speaker in the publicized panel order (saying their name and paper title is minimalist, yes, but it also does them the courtesy of not eating into their talking time); please make sure each speaker holds to their 30-minute slot (that is, each speaker has 30 minutes total for their paper AND questions about their paper from the audience).

Questions or requested changes regarding the program? Those should go to the '25 program chair, Caroline Petit (c.c.l.petit@warwick.ac.uk). For example, if you notice your name is misspelled or your abstract title garbled, please forgive and then email her, and she will fix it for the next version. If it transpires that you need to withdraw your contribution, please email her. Though movement is sure to occur within the program, no one will be moved out of their assigned day without consultation.

After making sure the answer is not within the posted conference materials, you may direct any questions regarding anything else conference-related to ISHR President, Hanne Roer (roer@hum.ku.dk), who is planning things from Copenhagen. For example, if you require a certificate of acceptance in order to request funding, book a plane ticket, or seek a visa, please email her.

To download the ISHR conference app, click on one of the links below, or access the app from your web browser on your phone, tablet, or PC