History of ISHR
Hanne RoerCopenhagen, Denmark (2024-2025) | David MirhadyVancouver, Canada (2022-2024) | Marc van der PoelNijmegen, The Netherlands (2019-2022) |
Malcolm RichardsonLouisiana State University, USA (2018-2019) | Michael EdwardsEngland – London (2015-2017) | Manfred KrausGermany – Tübingen (2013-2015) |
Martin CamargoIllinois-Urbana Champaign, USA (2011-2013) | Lucia Montefusco CalboliBologna, Italy (2009-2011) | Diane Desrosiers-BoninMontreal, Canada (2007-2009) |
Laurent PernotStrassbourg, France (2005-2007) | Lawrence GreenUniversity of Southern California, USA (2003-2005) | Tomas AlbaladejoMadrid, Spain (2001-2003) |
Jerzy AxerWarszawa, Poland (1999-2001) | Marijke SpiesAmsterdam, Netherlands (1997-99) | Judith Rice HendersonSaskatchewan, Canada (1995-97) |
Peter FranceEdinburgh, United Kingdom (1993-95) | Adriano PennaciniUniversitá di Torino, Italy (1991-93) | Nancy StrueverJohns Hopkins University, USA (1989-91) |
Carl Joachim ClassenGöttingen, Germany (1987-89) | Marc FumaroliParis, France (1985-87) | George A. KennedyChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA (1983-1985) |
Anton LeemanU. of Amsterdam, Netherlands (1981-83) | James J. MurphyU. of California-Davis, USA (1979-1981) | Brian VickersZürich, Switzerland (1977-1979) |
Hanne RoerUniversity of Copenhagen, Denmark (2022-2024) | David MirhadySimon Fraser, Canada (2019-2022) | Marc van der PoelRadboud Universiteit - The Netherlands (2018-2019) |
Malcolm RichardsonLouisiana State University, USA (2015-2017) | Michael EdwardsRoehampton University, UK (2013-2015) | Manfred KrausTübingen, Germany (2011-2013) |
Martin CamargoIllinois-Urbana Champaigne, USA (2009-2011) | Lucia Montefusco CalboliBologna, Italy (2007-2009) | Diane Desrosiers-BoninMontreal, Canada (2005-2007) |
Laurent PernotStrassbourg, France (2003-2005) | Lawrence GreenUniversity of Southern California, USA (2001-2003) | Tomas AlbaladejoMadrid, Spain (1999-2001) |
Jerzy AxerWarszawa, Poland (1997-99) | Marijke SpiesAmsterdam, Netherlands (1995-97) | Judith Rice HendersonSaskatchewan, Canada(1993-95) |
Peter FranceEdinburgh, United Kingdom (1991-93) | Adriano PennaciniUniversitá di Torino, Italy (1989-91) | Nancy StreuverJohns Hopkins University, USA (1987-89) |
Carl Joachim ClassenGöttingen, Germany (1985-87) | Marc FumaroliParis, France (1983-1985) | George A. KennedyChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA (1981-1983) |
Anton LeemanU. of Amsterdam, Netherlands (1979-1981) | James J. MurphyU. of California-Davis, USA (1977-1979) |
Michele KennerlyUSA (2020-2025) | Linda Bensel-MeyersUniversity of Denver, USA (2012-2018) | Robert GainesUniversity of Maryland, USA (2011-2012) |
Stephen McKennaThe Catholic U. of America, USA (2003-2011) | Jean Dietz MossThe Catholic U. of America, USA (1991-2003) | Antonio Garcia BerrioUniversidad de Madrid, Spain (1989-91) |
Brian VickersZurich, Switzerland (1979-1989) | Heinrich F. PlettEssen, Germany (1977-79) |
Robert SullivanSyracruse University, USA (2018-present) | Arthur WalzerMinnesota, USA (2011- 2017) | Lynette HunterCalifornia-Davis, USA (2007-2011) |
Don AbbottCalifornia-Davis, USA (1997-2003) | Robert GainesUniversity of Maryland, USA (1991-97) | James. J. MurphyUniversity of California-Davis, USA (1989-91) |
Kathleen JamiesonUniversity of Maryland, USA (1977-1989) |
2024-2027Jonathan Doering, Canada | 2022-2025Lucía Díaz Marroquín, Spain | 2019-2024Thomas Blank, Germany |
2017-2022Jaewon Ahn, South Korea
| 2015-2019Alfredo Casamento, Università degli studi di Palermo, Italy | 2013-2017Sara Molpeceres, Valladolid, Spain |
2011-2015Christoph Leidl, Heidelberg, Germany | 2009-2013Vladimir I. Annushkin, Moscow, Russia | 2007-2011Marc André Bernier, Trois-Rivières, Canada |
2005-2009Bé Breij, Nijmegen, Netherlands | 2003-2007Manfred Kraus, Tübingen, Germany | 2001-2005Jeroen Bons, Utrecht, Netherlands |
1999-2003Gualtiero Calboli, Bologna, Italy | 1997-2001Donka Alexandrovna, Sofia, Bulgaria | 1995-1999Maria Silvana Celentano, U. Chieti-Pescara, Italy |
1993-1997Jody Enders, Santa Barbara, CA, USA | 1991-1995Winifred Bryan Horner, Texas Christian U., USA | 1989-1993Tomas Albaladejo, U. Valladolid, Spain |
1987-1991Jerzy Axer, Warsaw | 1985-1989Manuel Angel Conejero, Valencia | 1983-1987Paolo Bagni, Bologna, Italy |
1981-1985Judith Rice Henderson, Saskatoon, Canada | 1979 - 1983Hugh Davidson, Virginia |
Past Editors
Debra HawheePennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (2018 - 2021) | Marc van der PoelNijmegen, Netherlands (2011- 2018) | Michael EdwardsUniversity of London, United Kingdom (2005-2011) |
Harvey YunisRice University, USA (2003-2005) | Peter MackWarwick, United Kingdom (1997-2003) | Craig KallendorfTexas A & M, USA (1992-1997) |
Michael LeffU. of Wisconsin, USA (1987-1992) | James J. MurphyU of California-Davis, USA (1983-1987) |
History of Conference
2025: Copenhagen, Denmark25th Biennial Conference Copenhagen, July 22-25, 2025 Theme: The idea of humanity in the history of rhetoric. | 2024: Vancouver, Canada24th Biennial Conference Vancouver, July 23-26, 2024 Theme: Continuity and Change in the History of Rhetoric (2024 ISHR program) | 2022: Nijmegen, The Netherlands23rd Biennial Conference Theme: Topics and Commonplaces in Antiquity and Beyond (2022 ISHR program) |
2019: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA22nd Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric and Populism (2019 ISHR program) | 2017: London, England21st Biennial Conference Theme: The Spaces of Rhetoric (2017 ISHR program) | 2015: Tübingen, Germany20th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric Across Cultures (2015 ISHR program) |
2013: Chicago, Illinois, USA19th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric and Performance (2013 ISHR program) | 2011: Bologna, Italy18th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric and Law | 2009: Montréal, Canada17th Biennial Conference Theme: Innovative Perspectives in the History of Rhetoric (2009 ISHR program) |
2007: Strasbourg, France16th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric and Religion | 2005: Los Angeles, California, USA15th Biennial Conference | 2003: Madrid, Spain14th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric and Society |
2001: Warszawa, Poland13th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric of Transformation | 1999: Amsterdam, Netherlands12th Biennial Conference | 1997: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada11th Biennial Conference Theme: The Greco-Roman Rhetorical Tradition: Alterations, Adaptations, Alternatives |
1995: Edinburgh, United Kingdom10th Biennial Conference | 1993: Turin, Italy9th Biennial Conference Theme: “Ethics and Rhetoric” and “Rhetoric and Pedagogy” | 1991: Baltimore, USA8th Biennial Conference Theme: Quintilian |
1989: Göttingen, Germany7th Biennial Conference | 1987: Tours, France6th Biennial Conference Tours will not feature one theme; instead, “each contributor is asked to locate his proposed paper inside one of several sections. | 1985: Oxford, UK5th Biennial Conference Theme: Rhetoric in the Academic Setting |
1983: Florence, Italy4th Biennial Conference Theme: Cicero, The Concept of Invention through the Ages, Preaching, and Rhetoric and the Visual Arts. | 1981: Madison, USA3rd Biennial Conference | 1979: Amsterdam, Netherlands2nd Biennial Conference |
ISHR First Biennial Conference1st Biennial Conference |