Loeb Use Survey

As you may know, one of the perks of being an ISHR member is access to the Digital Loeb Classical Library. (If you did not know, then we are happy to highlight the member perk of access to the Digital Loeb Classical Library through the member section of the ISHR website! Or maybe you are new to the Loebs?)
While we can access how much traffic the Loeb site gets courtesy of our link to it, we can tell little else from that data. ISHR has a year-to-year arrangement with Harvard University Press, and it would be useful for future planning to have answers to the following questions:
How often do you use your ISHR access to the Digital Loeb Classical Library (DLCL)?
often (several times per month)
infrequently (a few times per year)
never, but that doesn’t mean I will never use it
never, since I do not study ancient Greek or Roman rhetoric or its reception
If you do use your access, why do you use it?
I have access to the DLCL through my institution but the ISHR access is easier/more direct
I have no other way to access the DLCL
And a bonus question:
If ISHR were to use ISHR treasure to provide access to Oxford Scholarly Editions Online, would you use it?
absolutely yes
I would need to know more about it