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Report of the Nominating Committee for the ISHR Business Meeting, Nijmegen, 2022

In keeping with its charges outlined in the ISHR Constitution, the Nominating Committee has recommended for approval at the Business Meeting nominees for Vice-President and for replacement members for the Council. All nominees were unanimously endorsed by the Council at its meeting on 3 August 2022 :

  1. International Vice-President: Hanne Roer (University of Copenhagen)

  2. Eight new members of the Council to replace the eight members who are rotating off. Recommendations for new members include:

    1. Kihoon Kim, Seoul National University; (South Korea)
    2. Thierry Hirsch, (Luxembourg);
    3. Anne Régent, Université Paris III – Sorbonne nouvelle; (France)
    4. Christine Plastow, Open University (UK);
    5. Sandra Rocha, University of Brasilia; (Brazil)
    6. Robin Reames, University of Illinois-Chicago; (USA)
    7. Lucía Díaz Marroquín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; (Spain)
    8. Allannah Karas, University of Miami, (USA)
  1. By way of announcement, the Nominating Committee also solicited nominations for new membership for two committees in which members are rotating off. The committee nominated the following persons, who were approved by the Council at its meeting on 3 August 2022:

    1. Prize Committee, three new members, two of whom will represent the Spanish and Italian language groups. The new members are: Amedeo Raschieri (University of Milan and University of Turin); Amelia Fernández Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), and Martin Camargo (University of Illinois).
    2. Research Grants Committee, three new members, two of whom will represent the English and German language groups. The committee experienced difficulty confirming the availability of the nominated German-language representative before the Council meeting, and therefore the recommendation for that position will be made by the incoming Nominating Committee for 2022-24. However, two persons for the other positions were nominated by the committee and approved at the Council meeting on 3 August 2022: Tina Skouen (University of Oslo) and Christos Kremmydas (Royal Holloway, University of London).

Nominating Committee Members: Mike Edwards and Malcolm Richardson, co-chairs; Janika Päll; Marcos Martinho dos Santos.

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