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ISHR - Applications for Book Review Editor Position Now Open

Rhetorica Front CoverThe Editor of Rhetorica seeks applications for the journal’s Book Review Editor position, to begin officially in 2024, for a renewable term of 4 years. A competitive applicant will show evidence of their own scholarly excellence and an awareness of international trends and future directions in history of rhetoric research. The new Book Review Editor is expected to be enterprising and willing to solicit books for review, including from leading publishers in the field, as well as help reviewers edit their submissions and follow documentation guidelines for Rhetorica. The new Book Review Editor should also be willing to work with the Journal editor to further define and develop guidelines and space-allotment policies for book reviews in the journal.

The current Rhetorica Editor will review and submit applications to the ISHR Nominating Committee, which will forward a recommendation to the ISHR Council for final selection at this year’s Council meeting in July.

Please submit a letter of application and CV by June 1 to the Journal editor (Robert Gaines) at this address:

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